- 肺炎型肺癌的CT分析CT study of pneumonic-type lung carcinoma
- 肺炎型肺癌臨床分析及誤診原因探討Approach the Reason of Misdiagnosis and Clinical Analysisof Pneumonic Pulmonary Carcinoma
- 肺炎型肺癌pneumonic-type lung carcinoma
- 浸潤型肺癌的CT診斷CT diagnosis of infiltrative pulmonary carcinoma
- 實(shí)驗性小腸閉袢性腸梗阻腸壁缺血程度與時(shí)間相關(guān)性的CT分析CT Analysis of the Correlation between Severity and Time of Small Bowel Ischemia Following Experimental Closed Loop Obstruction
- 肺炎型鼠疫Pneumonic plague
- 陳舊性肺結核合并周?chē)头伟┑腃T診斷CT Diagnosis of Obsolete Pulmonary Tuberculosis Accompanied with Peripheral Lung Carcinoma
- 大葉性肺炎型結核[醫] lobar pneumonic tuberculosis
- 腮腺混合瘤的CT分析CT Analysis of Mixed Tumor in the Paroid Gland
- 經(jīng)纖維支氣管鏡針吸活檢對原發(fā)性支氣管肺癌的診斷價(jià)值Bronchoscopic Needle Biopsy for the Diagnosis of Primary Bronchopulmonany carcinoma
- 肺炎型流行性感冒pneumonic epidemic influenza
- 腎前筋膜增厚的CT表現對鑒別診斷胰腺炎與胰腺癌的價(jià)值The value of prerenal fascial thickening in CT for differential diagnosis of pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma
- 最近的研究表明:在肺癌的發(fā)病機制中Tob可能為抑癌基因。Recent evidence suggests that Tob could be a tumor suppressor gene in lung cancer.
- 腰椎間盤(pán)突出癥合并椎體后緣骨塊的螺旋CT分析The spiral CT study of lumbar disc herniation with bone pieces at the posterior edge of lumbar vertebrae
- 健擇與諾維本聯(lián)合順鉑方案治療晚期非小細胞肺癌的臨床評價(jià)The Clinical Evaluation of Advanced Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Gem,NVB and DDP Combination Chemotherapy
- 腰椎椎體后緣骨內軟骨結節所致腰椎管狹窄癥16例CT分析CT investigation of 16 cases of lumbar spinal canal stenosis caused by lumbar posterior marginal intraosseous cartilaginous noe
- 40例病人中25例屬中心型肺癌,腫瘤最大直徑大于5cm者25例,占62.5%。The biggest diameter of the tumor was more than 5 cm in 25 patients who comprised 62. 5%25 of the 40 cases.
- 多房囊性腎細胞癌的CT分析CT Features of Multilocular Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma
- 空洞型肺癌cavernous lung cancer
- 先天性外耳道閉鎖的CT分析CT analysis of congenital atresia of the external auditory meatus