- 肝睪酮5α-A環(huán)還原酶hepatic testosterone 5α-A-ring reductase; HTAR
- 膽固烯酮5α-還原酶Cholestenone 5alpha-reductase
- 膽固烯酮5β-還原酶Cholestenone 5beta-reductase
- 雙酚A環(huán)氧Bisphenol A Epoxy
- 睪酮環(huán)己乙酸酯Lontanyl
- 雙酚A環(huán)氧乙烯基酯樹(shù)脂bisphenol-A epoxide vinylester resin
- 睪酮testosterone
- 4-氯醋酸睪丸素,醋酸氯睪酮,醋酸氯睪丸素,醋酸-4-氯睪丸素Testanabol; Turinabol
- 此外在A(yíng)環(huán)里,共振會(huì )產(chǎn)生波來(lái)。Elsewhere in the A ring, resonances generate waves.
- 睪酮對大鼠再生肝細胞核仁組織區影響的初步研究Effect of Testosterone on Nucleolar Organizer Regions in Regenerating Hepatocytes in Rat: a Preliminary Study
- 食品罐內涂料中雙酚A環(huán)氧衍生物的遷移及其檢測A Review on Migration Survey and Determination of Bisphenol A and Epoxy Derivatives in Food Cans Coating
- 5α-雙氫睪酮5α-dihydrotestosterone; DHT
- 環(huán)的主體分為明亮的A環(huán),B環(huán)以及暗弱的c環(huán)等部分。The main body of the rings divided into the bright A and B rings and the faint C ring.
- 11-羥基還原尿睪酮11-Hydroxyetiocholanolone
- 環(huán)的主體分為明亮的A環(huán),B環(huán)以及暗弱的C環(huán)等部分。The main body of the rings divided into the bright A and B rings and the faint C ring.
- 4-氯睪酮4-chlorotestosterone
- 5α-雙氫睪酮5α-dihydrotestosterone
- 貝諾睪酮benorterone
- 表睪酮epitestosterone
- 復庚睪酮,丙酸睪酮+庚酸睪酮,長(cháng)效蓋世維雄,加強睪丸酮,長(cháng)效睪丸酮,復方睪酮庚酸酯Primaterstea-Depot; Primeteston-Depot