- 耐曬黃Gfight-durable yellow G
- 耐爾曬黃Durazol yellow
- 耐曬黃G[化] Fast Yellow G; Hansa Yellow G
- 這些耐曬的窗簾不褪色。These sunproof curtains will not fade .
- 曬黃煙Sun-cured tobacco
- 超胺黃Gsupramine yellow G
- 直接耐曬翠藍direct fast turquoise blue
- 重氮黃Gchrysamine G
- 耐曬色素系列Series of Sun Resisted Coloring Matter
- 醇溶黃Gspirit yellow G
- 耐高溫stand fire
- 黃鉆Elopichthys bambusa
- 耐壓pressure-proof
- 大黃rhubarb
- 難耐intolerability
- 直接凍黃Gchrysophene G
- 直接耐曬黑GDirect Fast Black G
- 耐候性resistance to elements
- 南雄曬黃煙Nanxiong yellow sun-cured tobacco
- 耐腐蝕性inoxidability