- 羅蘭-C定位Loran-C locator
- 羅蘭Roland
- c語(yǔ)言
- 維生素Cvitamin(e) C
- C語(yǔ)言程序設計Programming in C
- 這臺鏡頭轉臺提供照相機的高精確度定位。This turret provides highly accurate positioning of cameras.
- 羅蘭-C系統時(shí)間定位技術(shù)與應用Application and technology of time-orientation of ROLAN-C system
- 他們用杠桿把它推至定位。They levered it into position.
- 阿連德-羅蘭彗星arend-Roland comet
- C程序設計Program Design in C
- 把旋鈕擰到適當的定位擋上.Twist the knob to the right setting.
- 他們給自己的第一個(gè)孩子起名為羅蘭.They gave the name Roland to their first child.
- 精確地定位或確認To locate or identify with precision.
- c 語(yǔ)言C language
- 標準羅蘭standard loran
- 刪除[疑符]定位子erasure locator
- 漿果中含有維生素C。Berries contain vitamin C.
- 雷達無(wú)源定位passive location of radar
- 廁所(略W.C)water closet
- 升C調C sharp (((NFC64)))