- 缺血性ST-T改變Ichemic ST - T change
- 復極離散指數與缺血性ST-T改變診斷冠心病價(jià)值的比較Comparison study of the diagnostic value of coronary heart disease between repolarization dispersion index and ischemic ST-T change
- 絕經(jīng)期前后婦女缺血性ST段改變及心率變異對比觀(guān)察Comparison of the alterations of ischemic ST segment and heart rate variation in women before and after menopause
- 缺血性ST段壓低ischemic ST segment depression
- 對47例老年人尸檢中冠狀動(dòng)脈病變情況與動(dòng)態(tài)心電圖檢查時(shí)的缺血性ST段壓低結果進(jìn)行了對比分析。Abstract Dynamic electrocardiography (DCG) and autopsy findings in 47 elderly cases were analysed.
- ST-T改變ST-T changes
- 非特異性ST-T改變Non-specific ST-T change
- 結果:動(dòng)態(tài)心電圖檢出的缺血性ST段壓低診斷老年人冠心病的敏感性為80.9%,特異性為84.6%,準確性為82.9%。The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of DCG monitoring fur ischemic ST-segment depression to detect coronary heart disease (CHD) in elderly were 80.9%25, 84.6%25 and 82.9%25 respectively.
- 高血壓病患者ST-T改變與冠心病關(guān)系的探討Study of the relationship between abnormal ST-T in electrocardiogram and coronary heart disease in patients with hypertension
- 燈盞花素注射液對缺血性視神經(jīng)病變患者血流動(dòng)力學(xué)的影響Influence of Breviscapine injection on hemodynamics after in ischemic optic neuropath Hai-Lan Liao
- 冠狀動(dòng)脈造影評價(jià)ST-T改變在冠心病中的診斷價(jià)值Coronary Angiography Evaluate the Diagnostic Value of ST-T Change in CAD
- 再次肝移植治療缺血性膽管鑄型癥(附一例報告及文獻復習)Treatment of Ischemical Biliary Cast Syndrome with Liver Retransplantation
- ST-T改變對常見(jiàn)窄QRS型陣發(fā)性室上性心動(dòng)過(guò)速的診斷價(jià)值研究Diagnosis value of ST-T changes for narrow QRS complex paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
- 溶血磷脂酸在早期缺血性腦血管病發(fā)生中的作用及對療效和預后的評估價(jià)值Application of plasma lysophosphatidic acid in patients with early cerebral ischemic attack and evaluation of therapeutic effect and prognosis
- 缺血性壞死ischemic necrosis
- 缺血性ischemic
- 缺血性腸絞痛ischemic intestinal colic
- 缺血性的ischemic
- 缺血性神經(jīng)病ischemic neuropathy
- 骨缺血性壞死ischemic necrosis of bone