- 縮放到整個(gè)屏幕(&Z)&Zoom to full screen
- 屬性表示控件縮放到的屏幕或設計屏幕的DPI或字體設置。Property represents the DPI or font setting of the screen that the control was scaled to or designed for.
- 縮放zoom
- 屏幕screen
- 您無(wú)法看到整個(gè)屏幕是因為顯示器的屏幕分辨率設置較低,分辨率不應低于800x600。其原因如下You can't see the entire screen because your monitor's screen resolution needs to be changed to a higher setting -- 800-by-600 or greater. here's why.
- 放to release
- 縮放比例scaling
- 整個(gè)entire
- 無(wú)法將當前圖像縮放到該比例。Cannot zoom current image to this scale.
- 使用整個(gè)屏幕查看頁(yè)面Use entire screen for browsing
- 處理這些事件會(huì )將所有的驗證代碼都放到一個(gè)位置中,而不是將其分散到整個(gè)項目中。Handling these events puts all of your validation code in a single location, rather than scattering it throughout your project.
- 激活此模式將使用整個(gè)屏幕瀏覽。Activate this mode to use the entire screen for browsing.
- 無(wú)法將頁(yè)縮放到當前的縮略圖大小。Unable to scale a page to the current thumb size.
- 重復小的墻紙圖案,直到它覆蓋了整個(gè)屏幕。Repeats small wallpaper images until the entire screen is covered.
- 放到一邊sweep aside
- 重復小的墻紙圖案,直到它覆蓋了整個(gè)屏幕。Repeats small wallpaper images until the entire screen is covered.
- 按比例縮放scaling
- 吊車(chē)吊起小汽車(chē)放到安全的地方。The crane uplifted the car and moved it to a safer place.
- 最大化窗口充滿(mǎn)了整個(gè)屏幕,覆蓋了所有底下的內容。Maximized windows fill the entire screen, covering up whatever is beneath them.
- 抗縮放zoom resistance