- 統一BOMunified Bill of Material
- 統一BOM模型unified BOM model
- 基于STEP標準的統一BOM模型研究A Research on an Unified BOM Model Based on STEP
- 基于STEP標準的網(wǎng)絡(luò )化制造統一BOM數據管理PDM of UBOM Based on STEP in Networked Manufacturing Environment
- 實(shí)踐證明,本文提出的基于STEP標準的統一BOM模型可以較好地解決多視圖BOM的模型不統一問(wèn)題,基于STEP標準的統一BOM模型,實(shí)現PDM與ERP的信息集成方法是可行有效的。It proves that the unified BOM model based on STEP can achieve unity amongmulti-view BOM and the means based such a unified BOM model to achieve information integration between PDM system and ERP system feasible and effective.
- 世界能統一嗎?Can the world be unified?
- BOMBOM(Bill Of Material)
- 負責質(zhì)量檢查的人應使書(shū)中印刷統一。Someone in charge of quality control should unify the printing with the fest of the book.
- BOM表bill of material (BCM)
- 所有這些小國被統一成一個(gè)國家。All these small states were unified into one nation.
- BOM元BOM item
- 統一制訂各年級的科技教學(xué)計劃articulate a science program for all grades
- BOM毛毯blanket BOM
- 微波統一系統unified microwave system
- 商品BOMcommodity BOM
- 他們開(kāi)始將統一非洲的夢(mèng)想轉化為行動(dòng)。They started to translate into action the dreams of African unity.
- 配置BOMconfiguration BOM
- 民族統一。national unity
- 動(dòng)態(tài)BOMdynamic BOM
- 知行統一觀(guān)theory of the unity of knowing and doing