- 細菌16SrRNA基因16SrRNA gene
- 慢性非細菌性前列腺炎患者前列腺組織中細菌16SrRNA基因和大腸桿菌tufA mRNA基因的檢測Detection of bacterial 16SrRNA gene and E.coli tufAmRNAgene in prostatic biopsies of patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis
- 慢性非細菌性前列腺炎患者的前列腺液和前列腺組織中均有細菌16SrRNA基因的檢出,其病因可能與細菌感染有關(guān)。Bacterial 16SrRNA gene signal had been detected in EPS and prostatic biopsies of patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis;
- 16SrRNA基因16S rRNA gene
- 16SrRNA基因文庫16S rRNA gene library
- 16SrRNA基因序列16S rRNA gene sequence
- 16SrRNA基因在診斷慢性非細菌性前列腺炎中的應用Application of 16SrRNA gene for the diagnosis of chronic abacterial prostatitis
- 細菌靠分裂繁殖。Bacteria reproduce by splitting into two.
- 16SrRNA16S rRNA
- 傷口沾染了細菌。The wound was infected with germs.
- 16SrRNA序列16S rRNA sequences
- 基因代代相傳。Genes are transmitted from one generation to another.
- 滋生的地方,生長(cháng)處在活的有機物中細菌滋長(cháng)的中心點(diǎn)或聚集地A central point or focus of bacterial growth in a living organism.
- 16SrRNA甲基化酶16SrRNA methylases
- 齒菌斑牙齒表面一層粘液和細菌的膜A film of mucus and bacteria on a tooth surface.
- 16SrRNA寡核苷酸探針16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes
- 分離的基因型a segregant genotype.
- 氨細菌ammonium bacterium
- 細菌的內生芽孢bacterial endospore
- C基因C gene