- 細絲大電流MAG焊high current density MAG welding process
- 大電流MAG焊high current MAG welding
- 磁控大電流MAG焊的磁頭優(yōu)化及應用研究Optimization and application of magnetically controlled MAG welding process
- 焊接電流和保護氣體對大電流MAG焊焊縫成形的影響Effects of current and shielding gas on the welding profile of high current MAG welding
- 細絲filament
- 大電流MAG焊焊縫金屬的沖擊韌性Impact Toughness of Weld Metals with High Current MAG Welding
- 多絲大直徑PC鋼絞線(xiàn)的生產(chǎn)及工藝設計Probe into Production and Technology Design for PC Strand with Multiple-wires and Big Diameter
- 在低壓下容納氣體的玻璃容器密封一個(gè)金屬細絲,當通過(guò)電流時(shí)可以產(chǎn)生光。A glass container holding gas at low pressure and enclosing a thin metal filament that emits light when an electric current is passed through it.
- 線(xiàn)能量對大電流MAG焊縫組織和性能的影響Effects of Heat Input on the Microstructure and Property of the High Current MAG Welding Seam
- 多絲大直徑PC鋼絞線(xiàn)的生產(chǎn)工藝設計探索Technological Design Exploration of the Multi-wire and Larger Diameter PC Steel Strand
- 蜘蛛懸掛在它吐出的細絲上。The spider hung suspended on its slender thread.
- 大電流MAG焊旋轉噴射過(guò)渡中的熔滴失穩分析Instant unstable phenomenon of rotational spray transfer in high-current MAG welding
- 廚師正在把胡蘿卜磨成細絲。The cook is grating a carrot.
- 脈沖MAG焊pulsed MAG welding
- 苔絲大驚之下,跳下來(lái)一看,才發(fā)現了可怕的事實(shí)。In consternation Tess jumped down, and discovered the dreadful truth.
- 磁控MAG焊magnetically controlled MAG welding
- 把胡蘿卜擦成細絲to grate a carrot
- 苔絲大驚之下,跳下來(lái)一看,才發(fā)現了可怕的事實(shí)。In consternation Tess jumped down, and discovered the dreadful truth.
- MAG焊工藝MAG process
- 椰殼細絲fine coir fibre