- 纖連蛋白III型組件[由7條反平行beta鏈形成beta桶結構]fibronectin type III module
- 纖連蛋白III型組件fibronectin type III module
- 纖連蛋白Ⅲ型組件fibronectin type Ⅲ module
- 目的:觀(guān)察雪旺細胞和纖連蛋白對大鼠損傷的脊髓功能的影響。To investigate whether Schwann Cells( SCs) and fibronectin( FN) could promote the function recovery of scathing spinal cords in adult rats.
- III型膠原是IMC的主要類(lèi)型之一,其編碼基因為Col3a1(Collagen type III alpha 1 gene)。Type III collagen is one main type of IMC, which is encoded by Col3a1(collagen type III alpha 1 gene).
- 第3組用添加有EGM-2MV的EBM-2在纖連蛋白包被的6孔板上培養。with EBM-2 adding EGM-2 MV in the 6-well cell culture cluster coating with fibronectin in the third group;
- 扁平型組件flat package type
- 用苦味酸-天狼星紅(Sirius Red F3B,SR)染色和免疫組化法觀(guān)察I、III型膠原在心肌間質(zhì)中的分布與表達,圖象分析儀定量分析;The expression and distribution of collagen types I and III in cardiac interstitial were observed by Sirius Red F3B(SR) and immunohistochemistry staining, the area of myocardial fibrosis was measured by imaging analysis system;
- 汗腺發(fā)生過(guò)程中基質(zhì)金屬蛋白酶與層黏連蛋白、纖連蛋白的表達特征Expression characteristics of matrix metalloproteinases, fibronectin and laminin during development of sweat glands in human fetal skin
- 堆疊式微型組件tinkertoy module
- 積木式微型組件cordwood model
- 運動(dòng)型motile
- 流式細胞儀檢測胰蛋白酶對煙曲霉分生孢子表面纖連蛋白受體黏附力的影響The effect of trypsin on surface adhesion of fibronectin receptors of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia tested by flow cytometry
- 外型尺寸external dimension
- 含吸收型組件的航空燃料過(guò)濾監控器規范和檢驗程序Specifications and Qualification Procedures for Aviation Fuel Filter Monitors with Absorbent Type Elements
- 板型mplate
- 膜連蛋白Vannexin V
- 迷你型mini
- 骨連蛋白osteonectin
- 纖連蛋白fibronectin