- 能在身體內部產(chǎn)生橫截的X光代謝的過(guò)程的斷層X(jué)光攝影裝置a tomograph that produces cross-sectional X-rays of metabolic processes in the body
- 通過(guò)聯(lián)合平行位面建立物體-D模型的斷層X(jué)光攝影術(shù)。A tomograph that constructs a 3-D model of an object by combining parallel planes.
- 脛骨前肌肌筋膜瓣在脛骨腫瘤人工膝關(guān)節置換術(shù)中的應用The application of tibialis anterior muscle and deep fascia flap in the treatment of tibial bone tumor with proximal tibial prosthesis
- 光light
- 螢光攝影fluorescence photography
- 鉆孔外引流加顳肌筋膜下分流術(shù)治療外傷性硬膜下積液32例External drainage after burr hole and subtemporal muscular fasciae drainage for 32 cases of traumatic subdural effusion
- 膜(n) membrane; film
- 體視X光攝影術(shù)stereoskiagraphy
- 筋膜學(xué)fasciology
- 斷層攝影術(shù)X線(xiàn)Tomagraph
- 筋膜蒂Fascia pedicle
- 遠端蒂耳大神經(jīng)營(yíng)養血管筋膜皮瓣的應用解剖與臨床應用Applied anatomy and clinical application of distally based greater auricular neurocutaneous fascia flap
- 局部X光攝影術(shù)body section radiography
- 顳筋膜瓣Temporal fascia flap
- 乳線(xiàn)X線(xiàn)攝影術(shù)Mammography
- 瞼囊筋膜capsulopalpebral fascia
- 主動(dòng)脈X光攝影術(shù)aortography
- 筋膜皮瓣Fasciocutaneous flap
- 軟X射線(xiàn)攝影術(shù)soft X-ray photography