



  • - (照耀在物體上、使人能看見物體的一種物質) light; ray:

    moonlight; 月光

    sunlight; sunshine; 日光

    - (景物) scenery:

    scene; view; sight; 風光

    a sunlit and enchanting scene of spring 春光明媚

    - (光彩; 榮譽) honour; glory; lustre:

    win honour for one's country; 為國爭光

    shed lustre on [add lustre to] the evening party 給晚會增光

    - (明亮; 生輝) brightness:

    bright-eyed 雙目有光

    - (恩惠) favour; grace:

    benefit from association with sb.; 沾光

    excuse me 借光

    - (時光) time
    - (特指日、 月、星辰等天體) celestial body
    - (姓氏) a surname 光逸 Guang Yi
  • - (光大) glorify; recover; regain:

    win praises for one's ancestors and enrich one's posterity; 光前裕后

    bring honour to the family name 光耀門楣[庭]

    - (露在外面) bare; be naked:

    be bareheaded; 光著頭

    He was naked to the waist. 他光著上身。

    - (照耀) shine
  • - (光滑; 光溜) smooth; glossy:

    make sth. clean and smooth by scraping and polishing; 刮垢磨光

    This paper is not smooth enough. 這紙不太光。

    - (露著的) naked; nude; bare:

    barefooted; 光腳

    barebacked 光脊梁

    - (一點不剩) used up; with nothing left:

    Two weeks passed. They ran out of money. 兩星期過去,他們的錢用光了。

    He has eaten up the whole cake. 他把整塊蛋糕都吃光了。

    - [敬] (表示光榮) glorious; gracious:

    It was gracious of you to come. 承蒙光臨。

    - (明亮的) bright
  • - (只; 單) only; alone; merely:

    Don't work by enthusiasm alone. 不要光憑熱情去工作。

    Good intention alone is not enough. 光有好的意愿還不夠。



  1. 光線太暗,我看書有困難。
    The light was too dim for me to read easily.
  2. 樹葉使光線漫射。
    The light was diffused by the leaves.
  3. 你同意光的波動理論嗎?
    Do you agree to the wave theory of light?
  4. 泰吉·瑪哈爾陵在明亮的月光下顯得光彩奪目。
    The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.
  5. 你擋住了我的光線,我沒法看書。
    I can't read while you are standing in my light.
  6. 所有的植物都需要水和陽光。
    All plants need water and light.
  7. 光比任何東西都傳播得快。
    Nothing can travel faster than light.
  8. 愛因斯坦改變了科學上關于光的傳統觀念。
    Classical scientific ideas about light were changed by Einstein.
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