- 有限長(cháng)均勻截面聲波導管的等效T型網(wǎng)絡(luò )The T-type equivalent network of uniform cross section and finite long acoustic waveguide
- 有限長(cháng)均勻截面聲波導管的等效T型網(wǎng)絡(luò )研究Study on the T-type Equivalent Network of Uniform Cross Section and Finite Long Acoustic Waveguide
- 等效T型網(wǎng)絡(luò )equivalent T-network
- 等效T形節T-shaped transmission line
- T型電阻網(wǎng)絡(luò )T resistor network
- T型鍵T form beam
- 在兩年時(shí)間里,老努森指導了十四家T型汽車(chē)工廠(chǎng)的建立。The elder Knudsen had supervised the establishment of fourteen Model T plants in two years.
- T型中繼T pattern repeater
- H型網(wǎng)絡(luò )H network
- T型剛構T rigid-frame bridge
- T型橋墩T-Shape pier
- ni-1型和DMS 100型網(wǎng)絡(luò )所要求的SPID由電話(huà)公司指定Ni e a and dms 100 network require spy, which is assign by the telephone company
- T型節點(diǎn)T-joint
- T型通道T-type channel
- 在IBM的令牌環(huán)型網(wǎng)絡(luò )中,使連接的設備成為環(huán)中的活動(dòng)站in the IBM Token-Ring Network,to make an attaching device an active part of a ring
- T型方艙T-section shelter
- T型液晶T-shaped liquid crystals
- 僅當NI1型或DMS100型網(wǎng)絡(luò )被選中時(shí),SPID鍵入區才會(huì )顯示。The SPID entry field only displays when the NI1 or DMS 100 network type is selected.
- T型焊縫T-type weld
- t型估計t-type estimation