- 第三型Bernstein插值過(guò)程Bernstein interpolating process of the third type
- 第三型伯恩斯坦插值過(guò)程的新研究New Studies About the Third Type Interpolation Process of Bernstein
- 關(guān)于Bernstein型插值過(guò)程的斂速估計The Convergence Order of Interpolation Process by S.N.Bernstein Polynominls
- 值value
- 第三型色弱tritanomaly
- 由于SAR系統中近似笛卡爾形的采樣數據使其插值過(guò)程簡(jiǎn)易化,因而DF算法在SAR中更具優(yōu)勢。For the S AR nearly Cartesian shape of the sampling grid makes interpolation more facilitation, DF method used in SAR has more advantages than those in CT.
- 第三型色盲[醫] tritanopia
- 超值overflow
- 第三型色盲患者tritanope
- 第三型變態(tài)反應immune complex type
- 求值過(guò)程類(lèi)似于手工計算:如果表達式中包含括號,先求嵌套最深的括號對中的子表達式的值。The process of evaluation is similar to calculating by hand: while the expression contains parentheses, the subexpression inside the deepest nested pair of parentheses is evaluated.
- 插值interpolation
- 第三型規則內曲型:小花平順地向內曲成球形。Class 3 Regular Incurve : The florets smoothly incurve and form a ball.
- 關(guān)于Bernstein的一個(gè)插值多項式On an Interpolation Polynomial of Bernstein
- JADP-CPV、JYDPW-CPV、CYDPW-CPV 等屬于第二型,CGDP-CPV 離心所得的上帶多角體屬于第三型。JADP-CPV, JYDPW-CPV, JGDP-CPV, CYDPW-CPV etc. belong to type two. The up band of CGDP-CPV belongs to type three.
- 艾米插值Hermite
- 艾特肯插值aitken interpolation
- 表的插值tabular interpolation
- 艾特肯插值法Aitken's method of interpolation
- 比例插值interpolation by proportional parts