- 端口I/O技術(shù)port 1/O technology
- 同時(shí),為操作系統和I/O技術(shù)的各種不同組合開(kāi)發(fā)和維護軟件設備驅動(dòng)程序有關(guān)的成本與開(kāi)銷(xiāo),給供應商和用戶(hù)都帶來(lái)了沉重的負擔。At the same time, the costs and overhead associated with developing and maintaining software device drivers for different combinations of operating system and I/O technology place heavy burdens on suppliers and users.
- 端口port
- I/O擴展I/O expansion
- 串行端口serial port
- 我們缺少技術(shù)工人。We are short of skilled labor.
- 智能I/OIntelligent I/O(I20)
- 六年的待業(yè)并未使他的技術(shù)荒疏。A six-year lay-off has not rusted his skills.
- 端口映射port mapping
- 他們還得學(xué)習現代管理技術(shù)。They need to learn modern management techniques.
- ET-200.主分布式I/OET--200. DP--master
- 輸出端口outport
- 他們已決定逐步引入新技術(shù)。They have decided to phase in the new techniques.
- 輸入端口inport
- 他們是技術(shù)發(fā)展的先導。They are in the vanguard of technological advance.
- VCN-MI多I/O智能節點(diǎn)VCN-MIO intelligent node
- 音頻輸出端口audio output port
- 他正在很快地掌握技術(shù)。He was picking up the skills quickly.
- D型端口D-port
- 他在技術(shù)上不久便與其他人匹敵。He soon rivaled the others in skill.