- 研華WebAccessAdvantech WebAccess
- 研華PCL-818HD DAS卡的特點(diǎn)及應用The Features and Application of PCL-818HD DAS Board of Advantech
- WebAccess軟件WebAccess
- 研華PCL_818L數據采集卡DMA驅動(dòng)模塊開(kāi)發(fā)Development of a virtual device driver for PCL_818L data-collection card In DMA Model
- WebAccess組態(tài)軟件WebAccess configuration software
- 真誠希望研華工業(yè)自動(dòng)化的培訓活動(dòng)越辦越好!Wish Advantech Industrial Automation training course greater success!
- WebAccess事件通知和文本消息WebAccess Event Notification and Text Messaging
- 軟硬兼施打造視頻新天地--研華公司與黃金眼公司結成戰略合作伙伴The Stick and the Carrot, Create Video Frequency New World --Advantech and Goldeneye Form Tactic Cooperant Comate
- WebAccess具有作為碼頭官方網(wǎng)站的專(zhuān)業(yè)時(shí)尚外觀(guān)。WebAccess has a sleek, professional look that can serve as your terminal's official Web site.
- 此外,WebAccess能夠簡(jiǎn)化碼頭運營(yíng),幫助您降低成本。Additional benefits come in terms of cost reductions obtained through streamlining terminal operations.
- WebAccess通過(guò)手機文本消息和電子郵件直接將信息傳遞給用戶(hù)。WebAccess brings information directly to the user via text messaging cellular phone and e-mail as well.
- 精心的準備,專(zhuān)業(yè)的講解,豐富的內容,親和的態(tài)度,活潑的氣氛,再一次向客戶(hù)展示了研華工業(yè)自動(dòng)化的卓越實(shí)力,使客戶(hù)更加了解研華,信賴(lài)研華。It showed Advantech IAG's prominent strength again with aborative preparation, professional explanation, rich content and lively ambience, which made the audience understand more about Industrial Automation of Advantech.
- WebAccess可實(shí)現與關(guān)鍵業(yè)務(wù)信息的交互,并優(yōu)化碼頭與其社群之間的交互,從而提高客戶(hù)滿(mǎn)意度。WebAccess increases customer satisfaction by allowing interaction with mission critical information, and optimizing the interactions between the terminal and its community.
- 整套智能測控系統采用的硬件設備包括Panasonic MINAS A系列交流伺服電機及驅動(dòng)器、DMC 302A運動(dòng)控制卡、NEMICON ENCODER、研華PCI 1750 Digital I/O Card等硬件設備;The hardware of the whole project include Panasonic MINAS A Series AC servo motors, DMC 302A cards, encoders, and PCI-1750 digital I/O card.
- WebAccess允許貨車(chē)司機進(jìn)行預約,為碼頭的出入口管理設備和堆場(chǎng)規劃要求提供了更高的可見(jiàn)性。Enabling truckers to make appointments though WebAccess gives the terminal advanced visibility into gate handling equipment and yard planning requirements.
- 與碼頭管理系統進(jìn)行集成后,WebAccess可以為供應鏈中的所有有關(guān)方提供可存取的、協(xié)作性的平臺。WebAccess, when integrated with your terminal operating system, provides an accessible, collaborative platform to all parties in the supply chain.
- 網(wǎng)際組態(tài)軟件WebAccess是第一個(gè)完全基于瀏覽器的人機界面(HMI)、監控和數據采集(SCADA)軟件。WebAccess is first fully web browser- based software package for human- machine interfaces (HMI), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA).
- 使用WebAccess后,呼叫該碼頭的航運公司可以存取有關(guān)該碼頭正在處理的貨物的信息,并在線(xiàn)執行多種操作With WebAccess, shipping lines calling on your terminal can access information regarding cargo being handled by the terminal, and perform multiple operational functions on-line
- WebAccess可為您的客戶(hù)提供關(guān)鍵業(yè)務(wù)信息,也是一種快速、經(jīng)濟高效的途徑,可幫助您的碼頭提供無(wú)與倫比的客戶(hù)服務(wù)。WebAccess provides your customers with mission-critical information and is a fast and cost effective way for your terminal to offer an unparalleled level of customer service.