- 相關(guān)Hanning窗Correlation Hanning window
- Hanning窗Hanning window
- 用加Hanning窗插值高階正弦擬合法測介損角Application of Higher-order Sine Fitting Algorithm with Hanning-windowed Interpolated in Dielectric Loss Angle Measurement
- 為設計窗數字濾波器要求給出濾波器的歸一化截止頻率和窗參數。 為便于比較,程序中還配備了HANNING窗、HAMMING窗和KAISER窗。The normalized cut off frequency and the window parameter must be given in order to design the digital filters, For the sake of comparison, the program also provides with HANNING window, HAMMING window and KAISER-widow, The program is made up of module contruction.
- 相關(guān)部門(mén)relevant departments
- 不相關(guān)off the mark
- 不相關(guān)的foreign
- 正相關(guān)positive correlation
- 世界之窗Window on the World
- 相關(guān)信息relevant information; relevant information
- 負相關(guān)negative correlation
- 請關(guān)窗。Shut the window, please.
- 利益相關(guān)者stakeholder
- 觀(guān)察窗OBW
- 推拉窗sash window
- 相關(guān)問(wèn)題relevant issues
- 相關(guān)知識relevant knowledge
- 防盜窗security window
- 緊密相關(guān)be closely related
- 平開(kāi)窗casement window