- 鹽水法RBC抗體檢測RBC antibody detection with saline
- 婦科涂片快速染色法與鹽水法對比分析Comparison and Analysis of Fast-Dye and Salt-Watering Method of Gynecological Smear
- 法law
- 檢測to detect
- 無(wú)法unable
- HIV抗體檢測HIV antibody detection
- 用法usage
- 說(shuō)法statement
- 結核抗體檢測TB anti-body
- 6例弱D樣本均顯示陽(yáng)性結果,但凝集反應弱,3例“Du型”樣本有兩例可歸為弱D型,一例用鹽水法凝集反應為陰性,用間接抗球蛋白試驗弱陽(yáng)性,屬于極弱D型。6 cases of weak D belonged to RhD positive with weak agglutination,and 3 cases of D"types were classified to weak D,but the other D"type showed negative with saline agglutination test and weak positive with IAT(belong to low graded weak D).
- 血清抗體檢測Natural infection
- 抗體檢測試劑盒antibody detection kit
- 孕婦HCV抗體檢測HCV antibody testing of pregnant women
- 艾滋病病毒抗體檢測HIV antibody test
- NP30/抗體檢測試劑盒NP30/antibody detection kit
- 白蛋白法RBC抗體檢測RBC antibody detection with albumin
- NP30/抗體檢測試劑盒NP30/antibody detection kit
- 綿羊口蹄疫免疫抗體檢測Detection on immune body of food and mouth disease in sheep
- 紅細胞抗體檢測方法的研究Study on examination methods of red blood cell antibody
- 多發(fā)性硬化腦苷酯抗體檢測Detection of anticerebroside antibody in multiple sclerosis