- 益康XPYikang XP
- 益康XP對奶牛產(chǎn)后日糧適應及生產(chǎn)性能影響的研究Effect of Yeast Culture XP on Adaptation of Cows to Postpartum Diets and on Lactational Performance
- 益康“xp”Yikang" xp"
- 腦益康Naoyikang
- 在實(shí)驗室條件下,研究了3種鹽堿土改良劑(美地那、康地寶、堿益康)的不同濃度對鹽堿土的總鹽分和pH值的影響。An experiment was conducted to study the effects of three soil ameliorants(Medina,Kangdibao and Gailiangji)with different concentrations on total salt content and pH value of saline-alkali soils.
- XP系統Teleperm XP system
- XP過(guò)程XP process
- 保梯電抗XpPotier reactance Xp
- XP_PureUptoadXP_PureUpload
- XP起源于何處?Where did XP come from?
- Windows2000/XPWindows2000/XP
- XP與是什么關(guān)系?How does XP compare to UML?
- 極限編程(XP)Extreme Programming(XP)
- 最強破解XP口令方法The strongest method to decrypt the password of Window XP
- 在Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005中播放視頻。You play a video in Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005.
- XP輕量型過(guò)程方法實(shí)踐Practice Using XP Lightweight Process Method
- Windows XP修補程序:提供的驅動(dòng)程序可能不能用Windows Update來(lái)安裝Windows XP Patch: Offered Driver May Not Install Using Windows Update
- Windows XP的網(wǎng)橋功能Network bridge function of Windows XP
- Li_(1+2x+y)Al_xEu_yTi_(2-x-y)Si_xP_(3-x)O_(12)系統鋰快離子導體Study on lithium fast ion conductors Li_(1+2x+y)Al_xEu_yTi_(2-x-y)Si_xP_(3-x)O_(12) system
- 沒(méi)有客戶(hù)的XP項目注定會(huì )遠遠偏離用戶(hù)在項目結束時(shí)希望看到的最終結果。An XP project without a customer is doomed to stray far from what users end up wanting at the end of the project.