- 電控機械自動(dòng)變速器AMTelectronic automatic mechanical transmission
- 電控機械自動(dòng)變速器的故障自診斷和容錯控制The fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control to AMT
- 電控機械自動(dòng)變速器automated mechanical transmission
- 電控機械自動(dòng)變速AMT
- 電控機械自動(dòng)變速系統超速擋換擋規律研究Study on Overspeed Gear Shifting Rules of Automatic Mechanical Transmission Systems
- 液力機械自動(dòng)變速器automatic transmission
- 自動(dòng)旋轉autogiration
- 木工機械woodworker
- 包裝機械packing machinery
- 重型機械heavy-duty machinery
- 有四段自動(dòng)變速器可供選擇。A 4-speed automatic transmission is available as an option.
- 這臺自動(dòng)售貨機又壞了。The vendor is out of order again.
- 飛機引擎是種復雜的機械裝置。An airplane engine is a complex mechanism.
- 這套新的監護儀是自動(dòng)控制的。The new monitor apparatus is automatically controlled.
- 發(fā)電機將機械能變成電。A generator transforms mechanical energy into electricity.
- 把手和插銷(xiāo)都自動(dòng)鎖死不能轉動(dòng)。Both handle and bolt are automatically deadlocked against turning.
- 流體機械fluid machinery
- 不能設想,在一個(gè)晴朗的早上,你想要的財寶會(huì )統統自動(dòng)來(lái)到你身邊。It must not be imagined that one fine morning all the treasures you want will come to you of their own free will.
- 造紙機械paper manufacturing machinery
- 她自動(dòng)提供了這一消息。She volunteered the information.