- 電廠(chǎng)鍋爐EDTA清洗廢水EDTA boiler cleaning wastewater from power plant
- EDTA清洗廢水cleaning wastes of EDTA
- EDTA清洗EDTA cleaning
- 清洗廢水cleaning wastewater
- 電廠(chǎng)鍋爐基礎施工技術(shù)的改進(jìn)Improvement of Construction Technique for Boiler Foundation in Power Plant
- 電廠(chǎng)鍋爐競價(jià)上網(wǎng)的節能方案。Project of boiler energy saving in power-station for adapting a new electrovalency policy.
- 混凝-砂濾-活性炭吸附工藝處理廢舊塑料清洗廢水Treatment of the junked plastic cleaning wastewater by the coagulation-sand filtration-active carbon adsorption process
- 摘要對EDTA清洗緩蝕劑進(jìn)行了研究和篩選,并用正交試驗法對所選出的多組分復合緩蝕劑配方進(jìn)行優(yōu)化。The EDTA cleaning inhibitor has been screened and studied. and the prescription of multi-component composite inhibitor being optimized by using the orthogonal experimental method.
- 神火鋁電廠(chǎng)鍋爐燃煤拓寬適應性改造Retrofit of Boiler in Shenhuolv Power Plant for Conversion the Kind of Coal
- 電廠(chǎng)鍋爐給粉控制系統中變頻器的應用Use of a adjustable frequency controller in the feeder control system in power plant
- 模糊自調整PID控制在電廠(chǎng)鍋爐水處理中的應用Application of fuzzy self-adjusting PID control process in boiler water treatment of power plant
- 是誰(shuí)第一個(gè)想到建核能電廠(chǎng)的?Who first conceived the idea of building nuclear power plants?
- 泊在港內的渡輪增強了鍋爐的汽壓,準備駛向那個(gè)島嶼。The ferryboat in the harbor got op steam for the crossing to the island.
- 許多河流被工業(yè)廢水污染了。Many rivers are defiled by industrial waste.
- 她用硬毛刷清洗水槽。She cleaned the sink with a stiff brush.
- 廢水的重復利用reuse of wastewater
- 鍋爐以煤作燃料。The boiler is fueled by coal.
- 護士清洗了傷口并在上面貼了膏藥。The nurse washed and plastered the wound.
- 幾家化學(xué)工廠(chǎng)排出的有害廢水正流入通過(guò)我們市鎮的河里。Dangerous effluent from some chemical plants is being poured into the river through the town.
- 調速型液力偶合器在電廠(chǎng)鍋爐給水泵上的應用與節能Application and energy-saving of the adjustable hydraulic coupler in the boiler feed water pump at the power plant