- 電信SLA的實(shí)施和管理Implementation and Management of Telecom SLA
- 最后在方案的指導下詳細介紹HH-CIMS的實(shí)施和銷(xiāo)售管理子系統的設計實(shí)現。Finally I detail the implementation of HH-CIMS and accomplish the design and realization of sales management subsystem under the guidance of solution.
- 開(kāi)發(fā),實(shí)施和管理質(zhì)量體系以記錄和測量相對于預定的質(zhì)量標準的質(zhì)量性能。Develop, implement and administer quality systems to capture and measure quality performance against pre-determined quality standards.
- (道德方面)促進(jìn),提高,社會(huì )進(jìn)步提高社會(huì ),道德和智力標準的努力或運動(dòng)An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 在我們知道研究發(fā)展結果以前,我倒希望他們延緩行銷(xiāo)計劃的實(shí)施。I wish they will hold off their market strategy plan until after we have seer the result of research and development.
- 內置門(mén)廊;內院兒;附上的支票包括運輸和管理的費用。an enclosed porch; an enclosed yard; the enclosed check is to cover shipping and handling.
- 針對這一問(wèn)題,杜魯門(mén)總統要求國會(huì )向希臘和土耳其提供4億美元的資金。President Truman met the problem by asking Congress for400 million dollars to aid Greece and Turkey.
- 淺談報社印廠(chǎng)色彩管理方案的實(shí)施On Actualizing Color Management Project in Newspaper Printing House
- 網(wǎng)絡(luò )管理員通過(guò)直接訪(fǎng)問(wèn)和管理配置數據庫文件而獲得了權力控制能力。Network administrators also gain power and control through the ability to directly access and manipulate configuration database files.
- 全國人大及其常委會(huì )對法律的實(shí)施和行政、審判、檢察機關(guān)的監督明顯加強,富有成效。The NPC and its Standing Committee have vigorously reinforced the implementation of the laws and the supervision over the administrative,judicial and procuratorial organs,and notable results have been achieved.
- 大型油脂工程項目實(shí)施步驟、程序和管理Discussion on the construction step, procedure and management of large-scale edible oil engineering project
- 締約各國應根據其憲法采取必要措施確保本公約的實(shí)施。Each Contracting State undertakes to adopt, in accordance with its Constitution, such measures as are necessary to ensure the application of this Convention.
- 他的意見(jiàn)和管理部門(mén)的方針不大吻合。His views did not sit comfortably with the management line.
- 第五十二條在復審期間,復審程序不妨礙反傾銷(xiāo)措施的實(shí)施。During the period of review, the review proceedings shall not impede the application of anti-dumping measures.
- 監察和管理本港紅潮的顧問(wèn)報告已于一九九九年五月完成。A consultancy study on red tide monitoring and management was completed in May.
- 制定,培訓,實(shí)施和完善公司各項市場(chǎng)銷(xiāo)售工作規范和流程。Formulate, train, implement and improve the regulation and procedure of the sales.
- 此外并對14項全國性的法律、法規制定了適合西藏特點(diǎn)的實(shí)施辦法。In addition,rules for the implementation of 14 national laws and regulations conforming to the local features of Tibet have been drawn up.
- 福建海區流刺網(wǎng)漁業(yè)的調查和管理研究The investigation and management study on drift fishery in Fujian waters
- 隨著(zhù)中國保護知識產(chǎn)權法律的實(shí)施,知識產(chǎn)權在中國得到有效的保護。With the implementation of intellectual property laws,intellectual property rights are effectively protected in China.
- 本公司有世界上最先進(jìn)的生產(chǎn)和管理技術(shù)。Our company has the world's most advanced technology for both production and management.