- 用PLD設計定時(shí)搶答器Using PLD to DeSign Timing Responder
- 用PLD實(shí)現智力競賽搶答器的設計與調試Design and Debugging of Vie for the ansering device with PLD
- 器utensil
- 常用in common usage
- 四路搶答器的PLC程序設計Programming on Answering Machine of Four Groups Vies by PLC
- 不用need not
- 資源管理器explorer
- 程序設計programmer
- 無(wú)線(xiàn)搶答器wireless competition answer
- 沒(méi)用useless
- 畢業(yè)設計diploma project
- 不用謝You're welcome
- 平面設計planar design
- 用來(lái)be used for
- 自制多組智力搶答器Development of a multi- group preemption- answer
- 再用reoccupy
- 重新設計redesign
- 聯(lián)軸器shaft joint
- 領(lǐng)用receive; get
- 清潔器cleaner