- 用ERCP行胰管擴張術(shù)Dilation of pancreatic duct by ERCP
- 用ERCP行胰支架插入術(shù)Insertion of pancreatic stent by ERCP
- 用ERCP行Vater壺腹擴張術(shù)Dilation of ampulla of Vater by ERCP
- 用ERCP行Oddi括約肌擴張術(shù)Dilation of sphincter of Oddi by ERCP
- 用ERCP行膽管擴張術(shù)Dilation of biliary duct by ERCP
- 胰管擴張術(shù)Archibald operation; dilatation of pancreatic duct
- 用ERCP行鼻膽管插入術(shù)Insertion of nasobiliary tube by ERCP
- 用ERCP行膽管結石除去術(shù)Removal of calculus of bile duct by ERCP
- 胰管囊腫[醫] pancreatic ranula
- 胰管未匯合non-fusion of pancreatic ducts
- 用ERCP行膽總管結石除去術(shù)Removal calculus of common duct by ERCP
- 保護管protector tube
- "... 我要用利劍一樣的話(huà)刺痛她的心,但決不是真用利劍 ... ""... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 塔布擴張器Tubb dilator
- 胰管未融合pancreas divisum
- "Harmsworth先生," 我用微弱的聲音說(shuō)。 "別打斷我的說(shuō)。" 他說(shuō)。"Mr Harmsworth, " I said in a weak voice, "Don't interrupt, " he said.
- 管扣pipe thread
- "跟隨我去看電影吧。" "不行,我必須留在家里工作。""Come to a film with me." "Nothing doing; I've got to stay home and work."
- 胰蛋白酶樣酶Subgingival plague
- 咽鼓管突processus tubarius; tubotympanic process