- 用DCS系統實(shí)現BPC的探討Inquire into Application of DCS System to Realize BPC
- ?帶傳感器的頭盔,可用來(lái)控制瞄準目標和通信。它與中央計算機系統實(shí)現無(wú)線(xiàn)連接。The sensor- equipped helmet,which controls targeting and communications,and is wirelessly linked to a central computer system.
- 廠(chǎng)用電系統測控保智能單元及其與DCS融合模式的探討Discussion on the intelligent unit of measurement, control and protection for house-service system and the integration mode with DCS
- 發(fā)展分布式多元結構聯(lián)產(chǎn)聯(lián)供系統實(shí)現能源發(fā)展戰略的轉移Develop distributed energy production and supply system with multiple structure, realize the transfer of energy development strategy
- 適應DCS系統水平的現場(chǎng)儀表Field Instruments Adapted to DCS
- 關(guān)于確?;綐悠分形⒘拷鸬姆治鲮`敏度和準確度的探討Discuss about the Analyse Sensitivity and the Precisions of Trace Gold in the Samples
- 干擾對DCS系統的影響及抑制Influence of Interference on DCS and Elimination
- 殼聚糖復方制劑對脂肪肝大鼠的治療作用及其機制的探討Therapeutic effect and mechanisms of chitosan compound on rats of experimental fatty liver
- 繅絲廠(chǎng)循環(huán)用水的探討Discussion about the Water Reuse in Reeling Mills
- GXM/DCS系統及其網(wǎng)絡(luò )規劃與測量GSM/DCS System Network Planning and Measuring
- 特征系統實(shí)現法attitude control
- 應該在總結前人研究的基礎上,對這一問(wèn)題進(jìn)行較為詳細的探討。However, the impacts of Christianity on the Hakka people from the macroscopic angle are not paid more attention.
- 提高INFI-90 DCS系統的安全可靠性Improvment of Safety and Reliability of INFI-90 DCS System
- 用好新型噴氣織機的探討On Suitable Use of Air-jet Loom
- 基于JDBC驅動(dòng)的分布式系統實(shí)現Implement of Distributed System Based on JDBC Driver
- 酒精廢液回用理論的探討Theoretical Approach on Recycling Thin Stillage
- 基于面向對象技術(shù)虛擬Foxboro I/A DCS系統Foxboro I/A Virtual DCS Based on OOP
- 利用Web服務(wù)實(shí)現EAI的探討Exploration of Implement of EAI with Web Service
- 鋁合金用晶粒細化劑的探討Discussion of Grain Refinement Used for Aluminium Alloys
- 在系統開(kāi)發(fā)過(guò)程中,用硬件、軟件或其兩者對一個(gè)系統設計的具體實(shí)現。In system development, the realization of a system design in hardware, software, or both.