- 甜菜花葉馬鈴薯Y病毒Beet mosaic potyvirus
- 甜菜花葉病毒Aphidophilus betae; Beet mosaic virus; Beta virus 2; Marmor betae; Sugar beet virus 2
- 蕪菁花葉馬鈴薯Y病毒Turnip mosaic potyvirus
- 西瓜花葉馬鈴薯Y病毒Watermelon mosaic potyvirus
- 大豆花葉馬鈴薯Y病毒Soybean mosaic potyvirus
- 確立了以硝酸纖維素膜(NCM)作固相載體的Dot-ELISA的最適試驗程序,并用此技術(shù)檢測了284個(gè)雜交瘤培養上清,篩選出80個(gè)分泌抗甜菜花葉病毒(Beet mo(>)ic virus)抗體的上清樣品,陽(yáng)性率達28.17%。A Dot-ELISA on nitrocellulose menbrane as solid-phase carrier was developed for detection of 284 hybridoma supernatants for the presence of monoclonal antibodies agaist Beet mosaic virus (BMV), among which 80 positive samples were screened.
- 燕麥花葉馬鈴薯Y病毒Oat mosaic potyvirus
- 他炸馬鈴薯前先將馬鈴薯刮皮。He scraped the potatoes before frying.
- "你砸壞的鎖得花七鎊去換一個(gè)新的。" "去你媽的!" 我對他伸了伸兩個(gè)指頭說(shuō)道。"And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- "我不過(guò)是一朵花。""I am a mere flower."
- "彼得為啥需要兩輛車(chē)?" - "他是不需要兩輛車(chē),可他的錢(qián)多得沒(méi)處花。""Why does Peter need two cars?" - "He doesn't, but he's always had money to burn."
- γ葉γ lobe
- 甜菜叢簇病毒Beet rosette virus
- B病毒B virus
- 殘花敗柳fallen woman
- K病毒K virus
- 紫花地丁Chinese violet
- 甜菜白腎錦夜蛾顆粒體病毒Euplexia leucipara granulosis virus
- 氟蟲(chóng)腈防治馬鈴薯葉甲試驗Experiments on Fipronil against Colorado Potato Beetle (?Leptinotarsa decemlineata?)
- 抗甜菜壞死黃脈病毒單鏈抗體表達載體的構建及其表達Expression of Single-chain Fv Antibody for Anti-beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus in Escherichia coli