- 現有的物資<規定用于某起火災available resources
- 現有的existing
- (三)屬于市場(chǎng)自由流通的物資,向生產(chǎn)企業(yè)或其經(jīng)銷(xiāo)、代銷(xiāo)機構購買(mǎi);(3) Materials freely circulating on the market shall be purchased from the enterprises that produce them or their dealers or commission agents; and
- 我贊成這樣一種意見(jiàn),即我們必須充分利用現有的技術(shù)設備。I strongly incline to the view that we must make full use of the existing technical equipment.
- 物資goods and materials
- 現有currently existing
- 萊爾德?tīng)庌q說(shuō),最關(guān)鍵的物資供給來(lái)自鐵路,無(wú)論如何,北越有四、五個(gè)月的庫存儲備。Laird argued that the most critical supplies came in by rail and in any case the North Vietnamese had four to five months of stocks in reserve.
- (你)還沒(méi)有得到新的工作就辭去現有的工作太不慎重了。It would be imprudent (of you) to resign from your present job before you are offered another.
- 優(yōu)先分配一種將有限的物資,如食物,分配給那些能從中獲取最大收益的人的制度A system used to allocate a scarce commodity, such as food, only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it.
- 大象是現有的最大的陸上動(dòng)物。The elephant is the largest land animal in existence.
- 抱怨命運沒(méi)有用;最好是學(xué)會(huì )就現有的條件對付著(zhù)過(guò)日子。It's no good railing against fate; better learn to live with what you have.
- 稱(chēng)量室可獨立運行的物資計量網(wǎng)絡(luò )系統數據詞典結構與維護設計Design of data dictionary structure and maintenance for material measurement system in weighing room with independent running ability
- 電子化高科技辦公室意謂著(zhù)現有的辦公方式和角色的變更。The electronic office will mean a revision of existing office procedures and job role.
- 對批量大、價(jià)值高、通用性強的物資主要依托物資采購機構進(jìn)行集中采購。High-value,large-quantity,general-purpose materials are procured in a concentrated way by relying mainly on the material procurement departments.
- 他干得很不錯,所以我們要他放棄他現有的職務(wù),是要付出一些代價(jià)的。He's doing well, so it will cost us something to buy him out.
- 合營(yíng)公司所有的現金收入、支出數量;合營(yíng)公司所有的物資出售及購入情況The amount of overall cash receipts and expense of the joint venture company; All material purchasing and selling of the joint venture company
- 音樂(lè )學(xué)生學(xué)習給一個(gè)現有的調子配上其他音部,還要學(xué)習怎樣轉成和聲調。Music students learn how to add other parts to add other parts to a given tune, and how to modulate to a related key.
- 嚴禁民間貿易,但仍未隔斷蕃漢間的物資交流,民間走私貿易猖獗,成為政府的一大患。Forbade Non-government trade, but did not cut off the interflow of commodities between the Northwest Tibetan and the Song. It is rampant to smuggle trade among the people.
- 一鳥(niǎo)在手,勝於二鳥(niǎo)在林(最好滿(mǎn)足於現有的,以免因貪心而失去一切)。It is better to be content with what one has than to risk losing everything by being too greedy.
- 一種將有限的物資,如食物,分配給那些能從中獲取最大收益的人的制度a system used to allocate a scarce commodity,such as food,only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it