- 物流成本占GDP比重中的產(chǎn)業(yè)結構因素The Structure of Production Factor of Proportion of Logistics Cost in GDP
- 物流成本占GDP的比重the proportion of logistics cost in GDP
- 去年中國財政赤字和債務(wù)余額占gdp的比重分別為2.7%和 16.3%,都處在國際公認的安全線(xiàn)以?xún)取?/a>Last year, China's financial deficit and balance of debts accounted for 2.7 percent and 16.3 percent of the GDP respectively, with both rates standing under the international recognized safety lines.
- 相反,愛(ài)沙尼亞在補貼上的支出僅占GDP的0.11%不到歐盟原先平均水平的三分之一。Estonia, in contrast, spent only0.11 per cent of GDP on subsidies less than a third than the old EU average.
- 物流physical distribution
- 占to divine
- 優(yōu)化與采購相關(guān)的物流費用,如:從國外進(jìn)口物流成本的持續優(yōu)化。Optimize other areas cost saving opportunity in SM such as the logistic cost from overseas forwarder.
- 財政收入占gdp的比重比上年12.4%又有新的提高。The ratio of fiscal revenue to GDP is further improved from the previous year's 12.4%25.
- 物流成本Logistic Cost
- 物流管理logistics management
- 制定并執行與物流成本、質(zhì)量以及減少庫存等相關(guān)的持續改善活動(dòng)計劃。Take measures and make a continuous improvement plan of the logistics cost, the quality, the inventory reduction.
- 相反,愛(ài)沙尼亞在補貼上的支出僅占GDP的0.11%,不到歐盟原先平均水平的三分之一。Estonia, in contrast, spent only 0.11 per cent of GDP on subsidies less than a third than the old EU average.
- 同時(shí),中國糧食總產(chǎn)量占世界糧食產(chǎn)量的比重由17%上升到25%。Meanwhile,the proportion of China's grain output in the world's total increased from 17 percent to 25 percent.
- 物流成本管理logistics cost control
- 在過(guò)去五年的每一年,法國GDP的增長(cháng)速度都低于經(jīng)合組織的平均水平。In each of the past five years, GDP growth in France has been below the OECD average.
- 顏色為銀黃色至黃銅色,這取決于主要組分的銅所占的比重。"The colour varies from white-gold to brassy, depending on the percentages of the major constituents and copper."
- 毋庸置疑,這么遠的距離肯定會(huì )使出口產(chǎn)品的物流成本增加。Needless to say, being so far inland raises transport costs for exporters.
- 據世界銀行估計:1%的人均GDP的增長(cháng)需要增加約9%的基本建設投資。It is estimated by the WB that the 1%25 growth of GDP per capital needs the 9%25 growth in the infrastructure investment.
- 貫徹公司決策,持續改善公司物流管理系統,降低物流成本。Implement company decision, continuously improve logistics management system of company, and cut down logistic cost.
- 我們有需要把公共開(kāi)支所占的比重保持在低水平,以確保公共財政穩健。We need to maintain the share of public expenditure in GDP at a low level in order to secure the health of our public finances.