- ??咕腂ac7和Bac5Bovine antimicrobial peptides Bac7 and Bac5
- 牛氣管抗菌肽bovine tracheal antibacterial peptide
- 蠶和蛹體的抗菌肽的提純、抗菌機理及其應用Purification, Antibacterial Mechanism and Application of Antibacterial Peptide from Silkworms and Pupae
- 牛ox
- 蠶抗菌肽AD-酵母制劑對粵黃雞腸道消化酶和飼料品質(zhì)的影響Effect of Cecropin AD-Yeast Preparation on Intestine Enzyme Activities of Chickens and Feed Quality
- 抗菌肽CM4Antibacterial peptide CM4
- 不同分子質(zhì)量殼聚糖的制備及其整理織物的抗折皺性和抗菌性Preparation of chitosans with different molecular weights and the anti-crease and anti-bacterial properties of the fabrics therefrom
- 抗菌肽PR-39antibacterial peptide PR-39
- 銀系氟磷灰石抗菌劑的制備和性能研究Preparation and properties of Ag-series antibiotic materials carried by fluorapatite
- 檸檬酸和殼聚糖對棉織物抗菌整理的研究Research on antimicrobial finishing of cotton fabrics with a citric acid and chitosan
- 抗菌多肽antibacterial polypeptide
- 食品抗菌添加劑對饅頭質(zhì)量和貯存期的影響Effects of food anti-microbial additives on quality and storage life of steamed bread
- 抗菌脂肽Antimicrobial lipopeptide
- 三株拮抗菌對根結線(xiàn)蟲(chóng)卵和幼蟲(chóng)的抑殺效果Repressive effect of three antagonizing bacterium on larva and ovum of root knot nematode
- 家蠶抗菌肽moricin
- 抗菌藥物靜脈滴注給藥方案的設計原理和方法Dosage Regimen Design of Intravenous Infusion Administration of Antimicrobial Agents
- 天蠶抗菌肽cecropin
- 非織造布抗菌處理工藝和最終用途的性能要求Processing and End-Use Performance Challenges for Antimicrobial Treatment on Nonwovens
- 雜合抗菌肽hybrid antimicrobial peptide
- 替硝唑棒對牙周炎和冠周炎病原菌的抗菌作用A Study of Antimicrobial Effects of Tinidazole against Pathogens of Periodontitis and Pericoronitis