- 火災死亡的原因<如安全出口不通cause of loss of life
- 火災死亡fire death
- 漸變論者認為恐龍死亡的原因是哺乳動(dòng)物的過(guò)度競爭和板塊構造運動(dòng)引起的氣候漸變。Gradualists believe that the cause of the demise of the dinosaurs was over competition by mammals and gradual climatic changes caused by plate tectonics.
- 居民火災死亡人數civilian fire death
- 死亡的obituary
- 由于這樣或那樣的原因,他們在法國的假期沒(méi)有預想的那樣好。For one reason or another their holiday in France didn't come up to expectations.
- 因森林火災死亡20人、傷38人,比上年分別下降了75.3%和60.8%。The forest fires have caused 20 people dead and 38 people wounded,reduced by 75.3%25 and 60.8%25 respectively than the previous year.
- 不可忽視的原因assignable cause
- 今年在假日期間,公路上因車(chē)禍而死亡的人已數以百計。The number of people killed on the highways during holidays runs into hundreds this year.
- 他們最引以為傲的原因之一,就是沒(méi)有一個(gè)人是未經(jīng)審判就送進(jìn)監獄的。It is one of their proudest boasts that nobody is sent to prison without trial.
- 也許這是為什么我那么喜歡這些物品和中國文化的原因。Maybe that's why I love so much this kind of object and everything about your culture.
- 要把她兒子死亡的消息告訴她,這責任落在了我的肩上。It fell to me to inform her of her son's death.
- 他開(kāi)始調查火災的原因,接著(zhù)調查了三個(gè)星期。He started an inquiry into the causes of the fire, and prosecuted it for three weeks.
- 可憐的湯姆把瀕于死亡的兒子帶去看另一位醫生只不過(guò)是想爭取最后一線(xiàn)希望。Poor Tom was snatching at straws when he took his dying son to another doctor.
- 在判斷延誤的原因時(shí),我們必須把極端惡劣的天氣考慮進(jìn)去。In judging the delay, we must make allowance for the extremely bad weather.
- 造成死亡的直接原因不明。The immediate cause of death is unknown.
- 草一種莖部由非木質(zhì)的、非宿存的組織組成的,一般在每段生長(cháng)期末死亡的植物A plant whose stem does not produce woody, persistent tissue and generally dies back at the end of each growing season.
- "他健康狀況不好,有沒(méi)有可能具有什么心理上的原因呢?"Is there any possible psychological explanation for his bad health?
- 一些攝影師去拍死尸,又或是以藝術(shù)的角度去拍一些死亡的動(dòng)物。Some of these artists love to portray corpses or dead animals from an artistic perspective.
- 死亡的主要原因main causes of death