- 滑行距離50Km(m)Rundown distance
- 滑行slide
- J-M距離J-M distance
- 滑翔機可以滑行好多英里。A glider can soar for many miles.
- 我們測量了距離。We measured the distance.
- 他在近距離開(kāi)了槍。He fired the gun from point-blank range.
- 雪橇沿著(zhù)山坡向下滑行。The sledge coasted down the slope.
- 和M成正比例vary directly as M
- 科學(xué)家研究過(guò)江中的魚(yú)類(lèi)遠距離回游的現象。Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances in the river.
- 汽車(chē)失控滑行。The car went into a skid.
- M。C。的發(fā)音Pronunciation of M.C.
- 這段距離我估計是十英里。I make the distance ten miles.
- 飛機滑行超過(guò)跑道。The airplane overran the runway.
- m法m method
- 現已知與未知之事間的距離極大。The gap between the now knowable and unknowable is vast.
- 船在水面滑行。The ship slipped through the water.
- 理查德·M·舍曼Sherman Richard M.
- 在能交談的距離之內within speaking distance
- m序列m sequence
- 飛機沿跑道滑行.The plane taxied along the tarmac.