- 海岸DEMcoastal DEM
- 海浪沖刷海岸。The sea rakes against the shore.
- 公司已遷往西海岸。The company has transferred to the west coast.
- DEMdigital elevation model(DEM)
- 海岸炮兵向海盜船開(kāi)火。The shore batteries fired at the pirate boat.
- 海岸非任何人私有。There is no property in the seashore.
- 他們從直升飛機上勘測了東海岸。They surveyed the east coast from a helicopter.
- DEM法DEM ( digital elevation model) method
- 海岸正在慢慢地被沖蝕。The coast is slowly eroding away.
- 在那些遙遠的時(shí)代里,北歐海盜經(jīng)常在歐洲海岸一帶進(jìn)行掠奪。In those far- off times Viking pirates used to prey on the coasts of Europe.
- 封鎖使國外食品不能運抵我們的海岸。The blockade prevented shipments of foreign food from reaching our shores.
- 他們起了錨,向海岸漂去。They weighed anchor and drifted toward shore.
- 臺灣北部海岸的景色,對每一位觀(guān)光客來(lái)說(shuō)是大開(kāi)眼界。The scenery along the northern coast of Taiwan is a delight to every visitor.
- 那艘拖網(wǎng)漁船在離海岸不遠處停下來(lái)拋錨。The trawler was brought to anchor in the strait.
- 海浪不斷地拍擊著(zhù)海岸。The waves are battering at the shore.
- 海岸逐漸地向大海傾斜。The shore shelves down to the sea.
- 海岸侵蝕地貌coastal erosion landform
- 靠近海岸to hug to the coast