- 淺談CET-4聽(tīng)力應試技巧How to Develop Listening Skill in CET-4
- 談CET-4,CET-6大學(xué)英語(yǔ)四、六級考試題中英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)作題的應試技巧Examination skill of English writing in CET-4 and CET-6
- 淺談CET-4中的聽(tīng)力休克現象Listening Shock in CET-4
- 淺談提案技巧The knack for putting forward a proposal
- 淺談?dòng)⒄Z(yǔ)聽(tīng)力訓練的方法On the Method of Improving the English Aural comprehension
- 淺談?dòng)?應試教育"向素質(zhì)教育的轉變Discuss the thinking that is transformed lightly into quality-oriented education from "exam- oriented education"
- 蘇啤4號Supi No. 4
- 主觀(guān)聽(tīng)力測試Subjective audiometry
- "要是比技巧,他將勝過(guò)你。""If it's a game of skill, he'll do you down."
- 當前高考作文命題展望及應試策略淺談The trends and strategies of Chinese composition entitling in current College Entrance Examination
- 主觀(guān)聽(tīng)力改善Subjective evaluation
- 硫酰杯[4]芳烴Sulfonylcalix [ 4 ] arene
- 園藝學(xué)有關(guān)種植水果,蔬菜,鮮花或裝飾性植物的學(xué)問(wèn)或技巧The science or art of cultivating fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants.
- 4-N-去甲安乃近Sulfamipyrine
- 技巧難度越高得分越多。The higher the degree of difficulty scoring skills more.
- 【諺】淺學(xué)誤人。A little learning is a dangerous thing.
- 聽(tīng)力障礙兒童助聽(tīng)器效果評價(jià)Evaluation of the effect of hearing aid in children with dysaudia
- "我有事要跟你談。" "談吧!""I've something to say to you." "Say on!"
- 他駕駛摩托車(chē)的熟練技巧his skill in manoeuvring a motorcycle
- 淺燒傷Superficial burn