- 汽車(chē)保險中的BMSBonus-Mains Systems in Automobile Insurance
- 汽車(chē)保險中的最優(yōu)免賠額Optimal deductibles in automobile insurance
- 中的mesne
- 基于分類(lèi)風(fēng)險模型的最優(yōu)獎懲系統設計及在特定疾病保險中的應用Development and Application of an Optimal Bonus-malus System Based on Classified Risk Model in the Practices of Disease-specific Insurance
- 基于EBI的BMS智能建筑系統集成工程設計Integrated Engineering Design of BMS Intelligent Building System Based on EBI
- 伴有或不伴有抑郁的BMS患者血清IL_2、IL_6濃度無(wú)顯著(zhù)差異 ,但漢密頓抑郁量表與疼痛程度呈正相關(guān)。There was no significant difference in serum IL_2 and IL_6 among BMS patients with or without depression.
- 失業(yè)救濟限額是防止家庭從社會(huì )保險中取得的救濟高于他們正常全日工作收入的政策。The wage stop is the device used to stop families receiving more in social security payments than their normal income from full-time work.
- 了解四個(gè)決定汽車(chē)保險的要素,以及降低汽車(chē)保險的方法。Understand the four major determinants of the cost of auto insurance and ways to reduce auto insurance costs.
- 淺論汽車(chē)保險精算中的NCD系統A Brief Talk on the NCD System for Actuaries in Car Insurance
- 財產(chǎn)保險中可否存在受益人--關(guān)于受益人適用范圍的探討Is There A Beneficiary in Property Insurance--A Probe into Beneficiary Application Scope
- 我們的新外貿政策只不過(guò)是國際貿易中的一些通常做法罷了。Our new foreign trade policy is no more than some general practice in international trade.
- 輿論的主要方面是贊同無(wú)過(guò)失汽車(chē)保險。The mass of public opinion is in favor of no-fault auto insurance.
- 那個(gè)候選人自從最近作了一次講演以后在公眾心目中的地位提高了。That candidate has come up in the public opinion since his last speech.
- 活動(dòng)器材由學(xué)校負責,自行車(chē)由ICBC及汽車(chē)保險代理商提供。It is conducted on school property and all equipment and bicycles are supplied by ICBC and Autoplan brokers.
- 保險中能顯示出來(lái)的實(shí)際損失或實(shí)際損害。Real loss or damage which can be showed to have been suffered.
- 無(wú)論從哪方面說(shuō),穿過(guò)山谷中的路比越過(guò)山頂上的路要強。The road through the valley is preferable to the one over the hill, in every respect.
- 一家在線(xiàn)銀行,為客戶(hù)提供按揭,汽車(chē)保險和高風(fēng)險貸款服務(wù)。An online bank offering mortgages, car insurance and unsecured loans.
- 保險中的利益原則principle of interest in insurance
- 汽車(chē)保險桿護桿BUMPER GUARD
- 財產(chǎn)保險中的共同保險條款coinsurance clause in property insurance