- 橙子富含維生素C。Oranges are rich in vitamin C.
- 青花菜(Brassica oleracea, cv. Italica)因富含維生素C和抗癌類(lèi)芥子油苷而倍受消費者青睞。Broccoli (Brassica oleracea, cv. Italica) is popular with many customers because it is high in vitamin C and anticancer glucosinolates.
- 功效:細致柔滑,瞬間滲透肌膚,為肌膚帶來(lái)源源不斷水分;乳木果精華富含維生素C,增強肌膚的儲水功能;令肌膚柔滑、細膩、潤澤。Efficacy: The fineness, smoothness and instant permeation supply skin with continuous moisture. Shea butter essence with vitamin C improves the function of saving water, making skin smooth, fine and nourishing.
- 橙子orange
- 據說(shuō)蘋(píng)果皮富含維生素。It is said that the apple peel contains a lot of vitamins.
- c語(yǔ)言
- 蔬菜富含維生素、礦物質(zhì)和膳食纖維,但在常溫下容易腐敗變質(zhì)。Vegetables contain rich vitamins, mineral substance and Dietary Fiber, but easy to spoil at ordinary temperature.
- 橙子含有維生素C。Oranges contain vitamin C.
- 維生素C,丙種維生素,維生素丙,抗壞血酸,丙素,維他命CAscorvel
- 橙子含有豐富的維生素C。Oranges are rich in vitamin C.
- 出血性疾病紫茄子富含維生素P,可改善微細血管脆性,防止小血管出血,對高血壓、動(dòng)脈硬化、咯血、紫斑及壞血病患者均有一定防治作用。The hemorrhage disease eggplant richly contains vitamin P, may improve the tiny blood vessel brittleness, prevents small blood vessel hemorrhage, to hypertension, arteriosclerosis, hemoptysis, purple spot and scurvy patient all has certain preventing and controlling function.
- 漿果中含有維生素C。Berries contain vitamin C.
- 人體從食物中吸收的鈣相對要少一些,但食物中所含的維生素D能夠幫助鈣的呼吸,因此,我們需要多吃富含維生素D的食品,如蛋黃、谷類(lèi)等。The body absorbs a smller percentage of calcium from food sources, but vitamin D aids in calcium absorption, so be sure to consume vitamin D - rich foods such as egg yolks and fortified cereals.
- 海洋療法是一種治療方法,利用富含維生素和礦物質(zhì)的海水、海泥、海藻和沙子,在有益身心的環(huán)境中滋養肌膚和身體,以達到預防疾病的作用。Thalasso-therapy is the science of therapeutic and prophylactic application of vitamins and mineral-rich sea water, mud, algae and sand combined with a condusive atmosphere to nourish the skin and body.
- 維生素C,抗壞血酸,維生素丙,維他命丙,丙種維生素,丙素,維他命CCelin; Cevalin; Vitamin C; Vitascorbol
- 蒲公英和歐芹是絕佳的食物,不僅含有正確的鈣、磷比例還富含維生素A(蒲公英14,000國際單位/100克;歐芹11,000國際單位/100克)。Dandelions and parsley are excellent, having a positive Ca:P ratio and being particularly rich in vitamin A (14,000 i.u/100g for dandelion, 11,000 i.u/100g in the case of parsley).
- 維生素C被認為能預防感冒。Vitamin C is supposed to prevent colds.
- 維生素C丸Vitamin C Pills
- 黑莓果含有豐富的鐵和維生素C。Blackberries are a fairly good source of iron and vitamin C.
- 維生素C結晶C-Crystals<維生素類(lèi)藥>