- 棉用勻染劑TF-210leveling agent TF-210 for cotton
- 毛用勻染劑LX的研制Synthesis of levelling agent LX for wool
- 棉用無(wú)甲醛阻燃劑FRC-P的制備及應用Preparation and application of phosphorus flame retardant FRC-P
- 常用in common usage
- 因此,不能用勻加速運動(dòng)方程來(lái)計算路徑上其他點(diǎn)的速率。Hence the equations of motion with constant acceleration can not be used to find the speed at other point of the path.
- 棉cotton
- 勻染劑levelling agent
- 不用need not
- 節能經(jīng)濟型高白度棉用增白劑的研究Research on Energy-Saving, Economic and High Efficient Cotton Whitening Agent
- 因此,不能用勻加速運動(dòng)方程來(lái)計算路徑上其他點(diǎn)的速率。Hence the equations of motion with constant acceleration can not be used to find the speed at other point of the path.
- 棉用活性染料在羊毛染色中應用探討Wool dyeing with reactive dyes for cotton
- 滌綸分散勻染劑Dispersing and levelling agent for polyester fiber
- 拔染劑discharging agent
- KM型雙活性基活性染料的勻染性能研究Research on level dyeing property of KM reactive dye with bi-functional group
- 嗜堿的與易為堿性染劑染色的組織成分有關(guān)的Relating to tissue components that stain readily with basic dyes.
- 從針布梳針必須具備的工作特性出發(fā),討論了梳棉用梳針的形狀、傾角、膝上膝下長(cháng)度及現用梳針的尺寸.還討論了梳毛機用普通梳針、風(fēng)輪梳針和開(kāi)梳針的粗細與截面形以及針布的幅寬和針密.In view of the necessary performance characteristics of card wire in card clothing,the shape,the slope angle,the length above knee and down knee, the present size of card wire of carding machine are discussed.The common card wire,fancy card wire and wool opening card wire about their size and shape are also discussed.The width of card clothing and needle density are also discussed.
- 并測得染色織物具有較好的勻染性和透染性。The dyed fabrics had good levelness and equal penetration.
- 阿爾伯特氏染劑Albert's stain
- 溢流噴射機染活性黑色染料的選擇與勻染工藝Selection of Black Reactive Dyes and Level Dyeing Process with Jet Overflow Dyeing Machine
- 阿爾茨海默氏染劑Alzheimer's stain