- 樺木普A(H一18);Betulalbuside A (II -18);
- 廣義貨幣供應量在去年底91000億元基礎上增加14600億元一16380億元,增長(cháng)16%一18%。The supply of broad money will increase by l,460-1,638 billion yuan on the basis of 9,100 billion yuan at last year end,up 16-18 percent.
- 普popular
- 路一18撒迦利亞對天使說(shuō),我憑什麼可以知道這事?我已經(jīng)老了,我的妻子也上了年紀。Lk. 1:18 And Zachariah said to the angel, By what shall I know this? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years.
- 徒一18這人用不義的工價(jià)買(mǎi)了一塊田,以后他倒頭墜下,肚腹迸裂,腸子都流出來(lái)。Acts1:18( Now this man acquired a piece of land with the wages of unrighteousness; and falling headlong, he burst in the middle, and all his inward parts gushed out.
- 可一18他們就立刻撇下網(wǎng),跟從了他。Mk. 1:18 And immediately leaving the nets, they followed Him.
- 不僅A而且not merely A but also B
- 樺木birch
- A股A-share
- 普適性universality
- L、I和H、U、A-對不對?L. I and H. U. A. - is that right?
- 啟一18又是那活著(zhù)的;我曾死過(guò),看哪,現在又活了,直活到永永遠遠,并且拿著(zhù)死亡和陰間的鑰匙。Rev.1:18 And the living One; and I became dead, and behold, I am living forever and ever; and I have the keys of death and of Hades.
- "那么我要給母親買(mǎi)本書(shū)," 他說(shuō)道。 "非常感謝。我希望將來(lái)有一天能報答您。""Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 把A誤以為take A for B
- 地球及你們太陽(yáng)系已錨定了必要的轉變以再次參與于2001年開(kāi)始的這一18年周期,并向前運作。Earth has anchored the necessary alterations along with your solar system to again partake in this 18 - year cycle beginning in this year of 2001 and moving on into the coming 18 year period ahead.
- 我相信這一要求不會(huì )給您帶來(lái)不便。I trust this request will not cause you inconvenience.
- 18α(H)-新藿烷1 8α (H) -neohopanes
- 維生素Avitamin(e)
- "據我了解,代表們對這一安排都感到滿(mǎn)意。""Insofar as I can see, the representatives are all satisfied with the arrangement."
- 把A視為looked upon A as B