- 殺草菌素phleocidin
- 殺草菌素 Aherbicidin A
- 殺草菌素 Bherbicidin B
- 薰草菌素lavendustin
- 殺to kill
- 草grass
- 素plain
- 灰薰草菌素lavendustin
- 草菌鹽Miller 531
- 草菌鹽殺菌劑Crag turf fungicide
- 滅生性除草劑敵草快與百草枯殺草活性比較The Comparison of the Bioactivities of No-selective Herbicide Diquat and Paraquat
- 頭孢菌素cephalosporin
- 嗪草酸甲酯殺草譜及對大豆田闊葉雜草防除效果Weed spectrum and control efficacy of fluthiacet against broadleaf weeds in soybeans
- 菌素rhzomorph
- 殺草膜sacco holey sheet
- 阿維菌素abamectin
- 長(cháng)殺草carbetamide
- LC/MS/MS法分析啤酒及其原料中氟馬菌素B_1及B_2Determining Fumonisin B_1 and B_2 in beer and its material with LC/MS/MS method
- 殺草丹Saturn
- 殺草劑weed control chemicals