- 術(shù)中診斷性X線(xiàn)攝影[術(shù)]Diagnostic radiography during operative procedure
- 頭顱診斷性X線(xiàn)攝影[術(shù)]Diagnostic radiography of skull
- 組織印片細胞學(xué)檢查在臨床術(shù)中診斷及其應用價(jià)值Diagnosis and Applied Value of Constitution Imprint Cytologic Examination during Clinical Operation Procedure
- X線(xiàn)攝影技術(shù)學(xué)X-ray Radiography Technology
- 尾骨診斷性X線(xiàn)攝影[術(shù)]Diagnostic radiography of coccyx
- 傳統X線(xiàn)攝影技術(shù)Traditional X-ray photography
- 術(shù)中血液稀釋聯(lián)合控制性降壓氧化與抗氧化指標的觀(guān)察The observation of the items of oxidation and anti-oxidation in the operation applied with hemodilution combined with controlled hypotension
- 術(shù)中纖維結腸鏡在診斷小腸出血中的價(jià)值Diagnostic value of fibrocolonoscope for bleeding of small intestine during the operation
- X線(xiàn)攝影成像系統X -ray photographic imaging system
- X線(xiàn)CR攝影X-ray computer radiography(CR)
- 術(shù)中輸尿管鏡檢查在診斷會(huì )陰型尿道下裂并發(fā)前列腺囊的應用Diagnostic with ureteroscopy in operation to patients with perineum hypospadias combining prostatic utricle
- 診斷性人工氣腹術(shù)diagnostic pneumoperitoneum
- X線(xiàn)計算機斷層攝影X-ray Computed tomography
- 診斷性人工氣胸術(shù)diagnostic pneumothorax
- 探查性X線(xiàn)攝影survey radiography
- 依年齡確定小兒胸部X線(xiàn)攝影曝光量與CR應用研究Determines the Child Chest X-ray Photography Exposure and the CR Applied Research According to the Age
- 普通X線(xiàn)攝影技術(shù)質(zhì)量控制On Quality Control of Common X-ray Photography Technology
- X線(xiàn)診斷車(chē)X-ray diagnosis vehicle
- 胃X線(xiàn)攝影術(shù)gatric parietography
- 肩峰骨贅的X線(xiàn)診斷Diagnosis of X-ray Arthrography in the Osteophyte of Acromion