- 本質(zhì)安全不爆炸(HAN)hypostasis anchorhold no-explosion(HAN)
- 如要燃燒時(shí)不爆炸,黑色火藥中必須另加一些木炭屑。To burn without exploding, gunpowder must have an extra measure of charcoal.
- 靠主恩典,安全不怕,更引導我歸家。Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.
- 小元件表面溫度對本質(zhì)安全型電路的影響Influence of Surface Temperature of Small Component on Intrinsically Safe Circuit
- 你可以付押金,保證財產(chǎn)安全不受損。You can pay a premium to ensure the property is protected against damage.
- 實(shí)現本質(zhì)安全管理是煤礦安全生產(chǎn)的必由之路Achieving Intrinsic Safety Managememt is the Only Way of Coal Mine Safety Management
- 安全不變式security invariant
- 不要告訴經(jīng)理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他會(huì )大發(fā)雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 本質(zhì)安全防爆燈具intrinsically safe type luminaire
- --罪犯有在任何情況下人格不受侮辱、人身安全不受侵犯的權利。--- Criminals have the right to protection against assault on their human dignity or personal safety under all circumstances.
- 繼續開(kāi)安全不安全?Is it safe to go on?
- 本質(zhì)安全柵intrinsic safety barrier
- 胡特金森說(shuō):"邊境安全不能再像現在這樣僅僅是兩國之間的一條海岸線(xiàn)或者地界這樣簡(jiǎn)單。"Border security can no longer be just a coastline, or a line on the ground between two nations.
- 交通安全不容疏忽。The traffic safety allows of no negligence
- 高聚體絕緣鋁塑復合帶屏蔽鋼帶鎧裝本質(zhì)安全系統用電纜High polymer insulated aluminum-plastic composite belt shielded steel band-armored cable for intrinsically-safe system
- 網(wǎng)絡(luò )安全不變之法則The changeless rule of network security
- 安全不會(huì )從天而降。Safety does not come automatically.
- 本質(zhì)安全intrinsic safety
- 城市安全不能承受之重unbearable burthen to city safety
- 這些安全設施是為了保護工人不出事故。These are safety devices to ensure workers against accidents.