- 期待A于blook to A for B; go to A for B
- 于at
- 期待to look forward to
- 致力于commit oneself to
- 期待的expectant
- 傾向于be inclined to
- 相對于relative to
- 不僅A而且not merely A but also B
- 不同于be differ from
- 與其說(shuō)A不如說(shuō)not so much A as B
- 習慣于be conditioned to
- A股A-share
- 我們期待著(zhù)春天的到來(lái)。We look forward to the return of spring.
- 來(lái)自于be from
- 請您屆時(shí)攜帶夫人或其他一位客人光臨。我們期待著(zhù)您的到來(lái)。Come and bring your wife of other guest. We look forward to seeing you.
- 收于close at
- 我期待著(zhù)您的好消息。I hope to hear favourably from you.
- 歸功于owe
- 讓我們共同期待著(zhù)進(jìn)行良好的合作吧!Let's hope for good cooperation between us!
- 類(lèi)似于similarly