- 有效的FORTRAN語(yǔ)句valid FORTRAN statement
- 有效的effectual
- 標準FORTRAN語(yǔ)句standard FORTRAN statement
- 有效in effect
- 幾個(gè)月后,我得出結論:如果我們要在競爭中取勝,就必須采取有效的措施。After a few months I came to the conclusion that effective steps would have to be taken if we were to win the competition.
- 其次,用FORTRAN語(yǔ)言編寫(xiě)相應計算程序對各模型進(jìn)行模擬分析,使用VB語(yǔ)言調用已編寫(xiě)的FORTRAN程序實(shí)現管網(wǎng)計算界面的可視化。Steady state current model solution is presented. Secondly, corresponding calculating procedures are programmed using FORTRAN language to conduct to simulating analysis.
- ?文提出了根據示功圖計算汽油機燃燒放熱規律的雙態(tài)模型,編制了雙態(tài)模型的FORTRAN程序,用實(shí)測的燃燒壓力數據進(jìn)行了實(shí)例計算。This paper presents a twin state computing model based on indicator diagram to determine combustion heat release profiles and a FORTRAN computer program for this model is programmed, A practical calculation has been made by use of actual measured combustion pressure data.
- 有些人認為要使犯人遵紀守法勞動(dòng)是比鐐銬和懲罰更有效的手段。Some people believe that work is a better means of order and discipline than chain and castigation for criminal.
- 有效的方法effective means
- 以最快速有效的方式送包裹Sent the package by the most expeditious means.
- 更有效的more effective
- 結構合理、配置科學(xué)、程序嚴密、制約有效的權力運行機制mechanism for the exercise of power featuring reasonable structure, scientific distribution, rigorous procedures and effective restraint
- 有效的FORTRAN語(yǔ)句valid FORTRAN statement
- 從書(shū)面上看,該制度是理想的,但在簽約前我們必須看到它是有效的。On paper the system is ideal, but we have to see it work before we will sign the contract.
- 他失敗了許多次,但終于發(fā)現了有效的預防小兒麻痹癥的疫苗。He failed many times but he finally broke through to find a successful polio vaccine.
- 利用新的IsNot運算符,下面的If語(yǔ)句是有效的With the new IsNot operator, the following If statement is possible.
- 并且可以包含任何有效的Transact-SQL語(yǔ)句。And can contain any valid Transact-SQL statements.
- 考慮到問(wèn)題的嚴重性,在事態(tài)進(jìn)一步惡化之前,必須采取有效的措施。In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.
- 如果該字符串不是有效的SELECT語(yǔ)句,則返回NULL。If the string is not a valid SELECT statement, NULL is returned.
- 有效的交通管理,是保持有秩序和安全的運輸系統的基本條件。Effective transport management is essential for the orderly and safe operation of the transport system.