- 最大型Borel點(diǎn)largest type Borel point
- 最大型Borel方向Borel direction of largest type
- 零級擬亞純映射的最大型Borel方向On the Borel Direction of Largest Type for K-quasimeromorphic Mappings of Zero Order
- 公共Borel點(diǎn)commmon Borel point
- 平面內零級擬共形亞純映射的最大Borel點(diǎn)及其充滿(mǎn)圓The Largest Borel Point and the Fill-up Discs of Zero-Order Quasiconformal Meromorphic Mapping in the Plane
- 關(guān)于單位圓內擬亞純映射的Borel點(diǎn)On Borel points of quasimeromorphic mappings in the unit circle
- 早點(diǎn)(n) breakfast; light breakfast
- 最大型因子greatest-type divisor
- 賣(mài)點(diǎn)selling point
- 時(shí)間點(diǎn)time point
- 最大型繪圖紙emperor paper
- "董事長(cháng)今天要來(lái)倉庫參觀(guān),所以你們要小心點(diǎn),準備回答任何問(wèn)題。""The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- 留點(diǎn)stationary point
- 在這點(diǎn)上in this regard
- 多利不僅是克隆過(guò)的最大型的哺乳動(dòng)物,Dolly was not only the largest mammal ever cloned.
- 麻點(diǎn)pocking mark
- 然而,缺乏深水碼頭使該港口的發(fā)展前景受到限制,因為最大型的現代貨船無(wú)法使用上海港。However, the port's growth prospects have been held back by the lack of a deepwater facility, which has meant the largest modern cargo ships could not use Shanghai.
- 為達到最大型網(wǎng)站所需的高性能級別,多層系統一般在多個(gè)服務(wù)器之間平衡每一層的處理負荷。To achieve the high levels of performance required by the largest Web sites, a multitier system typically balances the processing load for each tier across multiple servers.
- 包含最主要點(diǎn)但不包括全部細節的草稿協(xié)議。Draft agreement contain the most important point but not all the details.
- 其中最大型的紀念活動(dòng)將在密蘇里州的圣路易舉行。One of the largest will take place in Saint Louis, Missouri.