- 阿柔比星AAclarubicin A
- 普拉米星Apradimicin A<抗真菌藥>
- 目的:研究環(huán)原黃楊星A(Cyc-A)抗心房纖顫的作用.AIM: To study the effects of cycloprotobuxine-A (Cyc-A) on atrial fibrillation.
- 雙子星binary star
- 不僅A而且not merely A but also B
- 北斗七星Triones
- 與其說(shuō)A不如說(shuō)not so much A as B
- 男星male star
- A股A-share
- 微星pint-size star
- 外星extraterrestrial
- 把A誤以為take A for B
- 星探talent
- 維生素Avitamin(e)
- 多星starry
- 追星star-pursuing
- 把A視為looked upon A as B
- 七星seven stars
- 雙酚Abisphenol A
- 幸運星ascendent