- 冰島的人均GDP為塞拉利昂的45倍。Per capita GDP is 45 times higher in Iceland than in Sierra Leone.
- 柬埔寨需要15年時(shí)間,才能將其與新加坡的人均國內生產(chǎn)總值(GDP)差距縮小25%,而要將這一差距縮小一半,則需要34年時(shí)間。It would take Cambodia 15 years to reduce its per capita GDP gap with Singapore by 25 per cent, and 34 years to halve it.
- 在他的舉止中表現出一種明顯的冷淡。There is a noticeable coolness in his manner.
- 人均GDPGDP per capita
- 明顯的變化a decided change
- 明顯的差別a sensible difference
- 據世界銀行估計:1%的人均GDP的增長(cháng)需要增加約9%的基本建設投資。It is estimated by the WB that the 1%25 growth of GDP per capital needs the 9%25 growth in the infrastructure investment.
- 中國的人均農業(yè)土地面積比不上世界許多其他國家。China's per capita agricultural land can not compare with that of many other countries in the world.
- 極明顯的事實(shí)a stark fact
- 日本的人均預期壽命最長(cháng),為82.3歲;贊比亞最短,只有40.5歲。Japanese have the longest life expectancy -- 82.3 years -- and Zambians the lowest, at 40.5.
- 中國政府為縮小這種差距已經(jīng)作出了巨大努力,并取得了明顯的成就。The Chinese government has made great efforts to narrow the gap and has achieved obvious results.
- 年消費量的增長(cháng)很快,從1990年的人均7公斤左右提高到2006年的24公斤以上。Annual consumption has been growing briskly, from around 7 kg per capita in 1990 to more than 24 kg in 2006.
- 明顯的論據a perspicuous argument
- 前移回歸分析新方法及其在福建人均GDP預測中的應用A New Method of Forward Regression Analysis and Its Application in Prediction of Per Capita GDP in Fujian Province
- 逐漸明顯的駝背a sneaking hunch.
- 國際、殘疾和健康分類(lèi)所有的人均可以使用,是世界上惟一被承認的一種分類(lèi)工具。International classification of functioning, disability and health could be used by all the people, and it was the only classification instrument that was widely admitted around the world.
- 有明顯的跛足Has a marked limp.
- 預測表明,由于人口規模將繼續擴大,中國的人均糧食將長(cháng)期維持在人均原糧不到400公斤的低水平上。Forecasts show that China's per-capita share of grain will remain at the low level of less than 400 kilogrammes of crude grain for a long time due to the continued growth of the population size in the future.
- 明顯的人均GDP差距distinct GDP per person difference