- 無(wú)衍射J0光束non-diffracting beams
- 無(wú)衍射光束Non-diffracting beam
- 論無(wú)衍射發(fā)散光束Research on Diffraction-free Optical Beam Using Fourier Optics
- 無(wú)衍射貝塞爾光束的實(shí)現方法Generation methods of nondiffracting Bessel beams
- 無(wú)衍射光non-diffracting beam
- 全無(wú)nil
- 貝塞爾光束的無(wú)衍射距離(英文)Non-diffracting Distance of Apertured Bessel Beams
- 無(wú)紡nonwoven
- 無(wú)界unbounded
- 沉默無(wú)語(yǔ)的shtoom
- 無(wú)塵dustless
- 不學(xué)無(wú)術(shù)be ignorant and incompetent
- 衍射光束線(xiàn)diffraction beamline
- 無(wú)障礙accessible
- 漫無(wú)目的flanerie
- 無(wú)厘頭reasonless humour
- 硬邊衍射光束的計算模擬Numerical simulation of hard-edged diffracted beams
- 南無(wú)阿彌陀佛Namo Amita Buddha [homage to the Buddha, Amita]
- 高斯光束照射下的單絲衍射Diffraction of Gaussian beam by a filament
- 暗無(wú)天日(said of a nation, locality etc.) total absence of justice