- 對艾滋病無(wú)癥狀HIV感染期的認識Reason for Treating AIDS with TCM First Choosing Asymptomatic HIV Infective Stage
- 無(wú)癥狀HIV感染期是中醫藥治療艾滋病的關(guān)鍵切入點(diǎn)Key Cut-in Point of TCM in Treatment of AIDS Is in Symptomless HIV Infective Stage
- 中醫藥治療艾滋病應重視對無(wú)癥狀HIV感染期的早期干預Attention Should Be Paid to Early Intervention of Asymptomatic AIDS HIV Infection with Chinese Medicine
- 無(wú)癥狀HIV感染期asymptomatic HIV infective stage
- 無(wú)癥狀HIV感染期是中醫藥治療艾滋病的黃金切入點(diǎn)Non-symptom HIV infectious stage is a golden breakthrough point for treatment of AIDS with traditional Chinese medicine
- 癥狀symptom
- 安全期safe period
- 月經(jīng)期menses
- 第一期first phase
- 疫苗可以很好的耐受,沒(méi)有發(fā)生嚴重副作用,疫苗不會(huì )導致HIV感染。The vaccine candidate appeared to be well tolerated with no serious adverse events related to the vaccine. The vaccine cannot cause HIV infection.
- 無(wú)癥狀傳染subclinical infection
- 李宜瑞教授治療小兒反復呼吸道感染非急性感染期的臨床體會(huì )Professor LI Yi - rui's Experience on Treating Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infeltion of Non- acllte Infection
- 無(wú)癥狀耳quiescent ear
- 我們必須毫不含糊地斷言,HIV感染來(lái)自4種途徑,而且只有4種途徑。We must state completely and unequivocally that HIV infection comes from four,and only four sources.
- 無(wú)癥狀性asymptomatic
- 非HIV感染免疫損害宿主肺部感染的診斷Diagnosis of pulmonary infection among HIV negative immunocompromised patients
- 無(wú)癥狀菌尿asymptomatic bacteriuria
- 例糖尿病、HIV感染合并紅皮病病人的護理Nursing care of a case with diabetes mellitus and HIV antibody positive and complicated with erythroderma
- 無(wú)癥狀尿感asymptomatic bacteriuria
- HIV感染患者口腔念珠菌的培養鑒定及耐藥性研究The research of drug resistance and identification of oral cultured candida spp. In HIV positive patients