- 無(wú)乘法器IDCTmultipilerless IDCT
- 無(wú)乘法器multiplierless
- 單周期控制無(wú)乘法器三相電壓型PWM整流器Three-Phase Voltage Source Type PWM Rectifier by One-Cycle Control Without Multipliers
- 本文提出了一種無(wú)乘法器的數字濾波器實(shí)現一個(gè)線(xiàn)性相位FIR數字濾波器,并討論了濾波器系數為2的整數冪的數字濾波器中噪聲功率譜與運算過(guò)程中的取舍規則之間的關(guān)系。In this paper, a new technique is presented to impliment a linear phase FIR digital filter without multipliers, and the relationship between noise power spectrum generated by a coefficient whose value is a power of 2 and the rounding policy are also discussed.
- 圖像編解碼中IDCT的FPGA實(shí)現FPGA-based Solution for IDCT in Image Codec
- 全無(wú)nil
- 設計了一種低功耗的2D DCT/IDCT處理器。In this paper a low power 2D DCT/IDCT processor is presented.
- 無(wú)紡nonwoven
- 無(wú)界unbounded
- 沉默無(wú)語(yǔ)的shtoom
- 無(wú)塵dustless
- 不學(xué)無(wú)術(shù)be ignorant and incompetent
- 無(wú)障礙accessible
- 漫無(wú)目的flanerie
- 無(wú)厘頭reasonless humour
- 南無(wú)阿彌陀佛Namo Amita Buddha [homage to the Buddha, Amita]
- 暗無(wú)天日(said of a nation, locality etc.) total absence of justice
- 無(wú)期perpetual
- 無(wú)公害nuisanceless
- 每一個(gè)差異中無(wú)不包含矛盾。Each and every difference contains contradiction.