- 孕母血型抗體與新生兒ABO溶血病的關(guān)系研究Relationship between ABO hemolytic disease of newborn and maternal antibody
- 新生兒ABO溶血病與孕婦抗體效價(jià)關(guān)系的研究Study of the Relation ship between ABO Hemolysis Disease of Newborn and Maternal antibody
- 新生兒ABO溶血病ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn
- 新生兒ABO溶血病102例臨床分析A clinical analysis of 102 cases of neonatal hemolytic disaase due to ABO incompatibility
- 新生兒ABO溶血病血型抗體與臨床的關(guān)系The Relationship Between Hemolysins ABO Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn and clinical
- 母兒血型不合IgG抗體效價(jià)與新生兒ABO溶血的關(guān)系The relationship between the efficiency of the IgG antibody by the maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility and ABO haemolytic disease of the newborn
- 阿爾茨海默病Alzheimer's disease
- 孕婦血型抗體效價(jià)與新生兒ABO血型和ABO溶血的關(guān)系Relationship of the titer of blood group antibody in pregnant women with ABO blood type and hemolytic disease of the newborn due to ABO incompatibiity
- "他這個(gè)星期脾氣很不好。" "是呀,不過(guò)請注意,他最近病得很厲害呢。""He has been very bad-tempered this week." "Yes, but mind you, he's been rather ill just recently."
- 有病的莖往往潰爛。Blighted stems often canker.
- 索菲亞用一布塊止住了血。Sophia stanched the blood with a cloth.
- 他是一個(gè)多病的人。He was a sickly man.
- 淋溶eluviate
- β溶素β-lysin
- 越來(lái)越多的人生了病。More and more people grew ill.
- 癌病carcinomatosis
- 阿洪病ecrodactylia
- 新生兒ABO溶血性疾病ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn
- 新生兒膿毒血癥血液凈化的護理Nursing care of neonatal pyemia cases undergoing blood purification
- β溶血β hemolysis