- 稀土永磁無(wú)刷直流電動(dòng)機數字PID控制的研究Study on digital PID control of the lanthanum eternal magnetism brushless DC electromotor
- 某型防空導彈中分時(shí)段數字PID控制規律的仿真實(shí)現Simulation on A Time-Segmented Digital PID Control Principle of One Antiaircraft Missile
- 基于積分分離數字PID控制的超精密定位系統的設計The Design of Digital PID Control With Separated Integral for an Ultra-Precision Positioning System
- 數字digital (electronics, etc.)
- 數字PID控制算法digital PID control algorithm
- 數字PID控制digital PID control
- 數字PID控制策略Digital PID Control Strategy
- PID控制PID control
- 無(wú)刷直流電動(dòng)機數字PID控制的研究Study on the digital PID control of the brushless DC motor
- 數字PID控制器digital PID controller
- 基于PID控制的主動(dòng)磁軸承-飛輪轉子系統運動(dòng)穩定性研究Study on Dynamic Stability of Flywheel Rotor Supported by AMB Based on PID Controller
- 比例先行數字PID控制器的仿真Computer Simulation of the Digital PID Controller with Proportion in Advance
- 改進(jìn)PID控制advanced PID control
- 高速數字PID控制器的ASIC設計The ASIC Design of A High Speed PID Controller
- 模糊PID控制fuzzy PID control
- 線(xiàn)性時(shí)滯系統的數字PID抗干擾控制Digital PID Control of Disturbance Rejection for a Linear Process with Time Delay
- PID控制算法PID control algorithm
- 正反饋數字PID在氣體壓力控制中的應用The Application of Positive Feedback Digital PID Controller in Air Pressure Control
- 專(zhuān)家PID控制expert PID control
- 數字PID控制器在升降機調速系統中的應用Application of Digital PID Controller's in Elevator Speed Control Systems